Friday, April 10, 2009

Suggested Recipe for Holy Week

My Caesar's Salad
I don't like eating veggie salad, more so the Caesar's. Don't ask me. I also don't know why. :-)

That thinking was totally eradicated since yesterday.
Right after our Visita Iglesia, (yup, we did it!) we went to Swensen's to eat Caesar's salad. At first, I was hesitant but since I was abstaining from meat, got no choice so I was forced to eat it.

The verdict: Wow, it was awesomely delicious!

Immediately, I thought of an idea to make Caesar's salad at home.
It is simply mouth-watering. Of course, I should commend myself for it :D

I suggest that you try this recipe. Especially those who are on a strict diet.
Healthy and Yummy.


  1. You are right, you need something with salad for protein. I like vegetable curry though.

  2. Any salad is a good salad :) I like a lot of cheese with mine.

  3. Here's a trade secret: The trick to making an awesome ceasar salad in the cheese you use. I recommend lots of Parmesan cheese! You can either mix it with the dressing or grate and add it on top. ;)

  4. Salads and soups are my favourites when it comes to eating.

  5. i love salads! and tama si garando, cheese makes a lot of difference [i use the powder parmesan cheese]. and of course, the vegetables should be super fresh! yum!

  6. @Ian, is vegetable curry spicy? I'd like to try that one but I don't like spicy food. Hehehe :D

    @Garret, Garando, Kg: Will add more parmesan next time. Thanks :D

    @Sheryl: I also love soups, especially, crab and corn. Hehehe. Yummy! :D

  7. i agree with garando on the parmesan thing. also add a lot of croutons! love love croutons ;-)
